E Everything But The Girl
Everything But The Girl25th December107
Everything But The GirlFive Fathoms (love More)Acapella122Atlantic Records1999
Everything But The GirlFive Fathoms (love More)122Atlantic Records1999
Everything But The GirlFive Fathoms (love More)Yost Enlightenment Mix122Atlantic Records1999
Everything But The GirlFive Fathoms (love More)Club 69 Future Mix130Atlantic Records1999
Everything But The GirlGet Me105
Everything But The GirlI Don't Understand Anything93
Everything But The GirlLullaby Of ClublandJay Sinister Sealee Mix126WSM Rhino Atlantic2005
Everything But The GirlLullaby Of ClublandBen Watt Summer Storm Mix126Atlantic Records2000
Everything But The GirlMissing123Atlantic2005
Everything But The GirlMissingTodd Terry Club Mix124Atlantic Records1995
Everything But The GirlRollercoaster117
Everything But The GirlRollercoasterKing Britt Scuba Remix122WSM Rhino Atlantic2005
Everything But The GirlTemperamentalHex Hector/mac Quayle Club Mix128Atlantic Records2000
Everything But The GirlTroubled Mind103